Live Aware

Live Aware

End of Summer Self-Awareness Homework Hope you are getting some well deserved R&R and be ready to hit the ground running for the busy Autumn period. It is now a perfect time to do a little self-coaching homework with a clear mind. Here’s a worksheet I have created...
The Art of Self-Analysis!

The Art of Self-Analysis!

This month I am focused on giving practical tips to help people become more aware of their personal values, and use them in the workplace. This exercise will help! This coming week, take a note about a decision at work, and ask yourself: #1. Could I have achieved a...
Live Aware – The Key to Success!

Live Aware – The Key to Success!

Living aware is the key to finding the right career role, whether that means reviewing your current role or deciding what you want from a new one. It’s the start of recognising your personal values, and finding your purpose. Which sounds great, but how do you actually...
Hard Times Call For A New Outlook!

Hard Times Call For A New Outlook!

Right now, inflation, climate and conflict dominate the news. It is having an effect on our collective mood, and there is no inspirational quote or clever life lesson to banish those blues. All humans feel deflated sometimes when that Monday commute comes around....
Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

The month of May is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness and you may have missed it with so many of the stories dominating the news making everyone feel more anxious and less resilient. Ironically, if ever we needed a mental health check-up, it is now. This month I am...