Talent Retention Quick Wins!

Talent Retention Quick Wins!

There are a few quick wins to increase your talent retention, but here are a couple of ideas that are relatively low impact for most organisations…. Show your understanding of the financial pressures of emerging professionals by creating company benefits to suit...
Talent vs Spreadsheets

Talent vs Spreadsheets

I used to lead teams for S&P500 and FT100 organisations, where HR processes were mostly spreadsheet driven. We tracked skills, competencies and experience to help with internal staff moves but the flaw was obvious – if we did not capture the right...
How to teach success? Teach failure.

How to teach success? Teach failure.

I used to be a championship swimmer in Cyprus and I won a lot of competitions. But I will never forget the first time I lost one, I was 12. I thought I would win easy and I cried all day. Failing built my resilience and taught me to forget winning and focus on my...
Emerging Professionals Bursary Programme

Emerging Professionals Bursary Programme

The #Finito bursary programme is making a difference to emerging professionals in the UK. I feel honoured to be one of the mentors at Finito Education and it’s given me a chance to follow my coaching passion – supporting new talent. It is such a privilege to be...
The Power of Gratitude and Appreciation

The Power of Gratitude and Appreciation

Today I am going to take you back to 1989, 32 years ago when I experienced gratitude from one of the most profound leaders of his time, Lord King – dubbed Margaret Thatcher’s favourite businessman and who was responsible for turning British Airways to one of the...